Bridge House Mile 2023
Sat 11 Mar 2023 @ Stellenbosch Municipality, Western Cape

Bridge House Mile 2023
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Bridge House Mile might be your next adventure Event has been Closed

Tricky T Concepts

Bridge House and Old Mutual Wealth look forward to taking the Bridge House Mile to a new level and making it an even greater event in 2023

NEW! Join the Bridge House Mile WhatsApp group for updates related to event ONLY info.  An admin only posting group. Click on this link to join:>>> Bridge House Mile WA Group

Date: 11th March 2023

Venue: Berg River Dam

Online Pre-Entries ONLY close at 17:00 on Fri 3rd March 2023. Please Note: NO Late entries allowed at all, nor at registration

Goody bags included for all entrants - valued at R350:

Waterproof 5-litre Dry Bag - perfect for any outdoor event, keeps items inside dry and protects them from dust, water & rain. Includes: Chill Towel. Water Bottle & Swim Cap. NB:> ONLY official event caps may be worn for ALL swims, as they will be numbered with each swimmer's unique race number


10th March 2023: 12:00 to 15:00 at Bridge House School - Waterfall Farm - R45 - Franschhoek

11th March 2023: 06:00 to 10:00 at the Venue at Berg River Dam

The Rob Armstrong Memorial 3km Swim - ONLY 50 entries available. TIME LIMIT:> Swimmers will need to reach the 2km mark within 1 hour, and will be taken out of the water if they don't. To assess whether you can enter this swim, an ability to swim 2.5km per hour will be a good gauge.

Entry Options - Start Times - Entry Fees

Please Note:>>> Both the MILE and the Rob Memorial 3km are SOLD OUT

Start times will be confirmed in the week prior to the event through an email to all participants

Prize-giving at 11:30 for all events

Pre-order your #THIRTEEN Safety Buoy @ R 585 each. Collection will be at registration

Please Note: Refund Policy on Paid Entries

No refunds where entrants themselves cancel, or are a no-show. Any refund for proven medical reasons will be considered by the organizers. However, if the event is cancelled by the organisers, entrants will be fully refunded

Please also Note: If swimmers downgrade their entry at registration, no refunds will be made on entry fees. Upgrades not allowed due to limits on numbers

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Images of the event
Tricky T Concepts

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Classes and pricing
Available classes for the event

Class Distance Price (pp)
400m + 800m Combo R 270.00
200m + Mile Combo SOLD OUT R 310.00
Rob Armstrong Memorial 3km SOLD OUT
TIME LIMIT:> Swimmers will need to reach the 2km mark within 1 hour, and will be taken out of the water if they don't. To assess whether you can enter this swim, an ability to swim 2.5km per hour will be a good gauge.
3 km ONLY 50 entries available! R 300.00
200m Swim R 135.00
200m + 400m Combo R 245.00
200m+400m+800m+Mile Package SOLD OUT 3 km R 350.00
400m Swim SOLD OUT R 140.00
400m + Mile Combo SOLD OUT R 315.00
800m Swim R 150.00
800m + Mile Combo SOLD OUT 2.4 km R 320.00
200m + 800m Combo R 260.00
Mile Swim SOLD OUT R 200.00

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Event location
Berg River Dam, Stellenbosch Municipality

Route information

Berg river Dam

Coordinates -33.937878, 19.075256
Address Robertsvlei Road - Franschhoek
City Stellenbosch Municipality
Province Western Cape

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