Clarens SANPark GoldenGate 4in1
Sat 1 Oct 2022 @ Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Free State

Clarens SANPark GoldenGate 4in1
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Clarens Golden Gate 4in1 might be your next adventure Event has been Closed

Going4Gold Athletic Events

Clarens SANPark Golden Gate 4in1  42.2km - 21.1km - 10km - 5km FunRun

This Clarens SANPark Golden Gate 4in1 draws its name from the famous Golden Gate National Park just outside Clarens. This National park has some of the rare wildlife species and boasts of rock formations and incredible sunrise and sunsets. This Marathon therefore allows individuals, couples and families to take a weekend away, enjoy the wildlife and participate in the race.

Whether you choose the marathon or the Fun Run distance, the Clarens SANPark Golden Gate 4in1 is more than just a run.

Rather, it is a spectacular journey through this stunning National Park. The chance to run alongside the mountains is an experience unlike any other, but it is far from the only breath taking moment you’ll enjoy along the way.

All distances are run on tarred roads through the National Park. This allows you as a runner to spend less time checking the track in front of you and more time taking in the spectacular scenery. Walkers are also welcome and there is also a fun run. Medals are awarded to all finishers.

This is one marathon you can’t afford to miss.

Event will be closed for online entries on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 8pm.

Detailed rules are available on or on request from the organizers. Do not litter. Dispose of sachets and cups responsibly by using the boxes provided or by carrying them to the finish. Report offenders to the referees. Temporary licence numbers - R70


When:   1 October 2022
Start: 6:00 am
Where:  Glen Reenen, Golden Gate National Park / GPS - 
S28° 30’ 21.3” E 28° 44’ 39.3”


42.2 Km
Start: 06h00
Cut Off: 6:00 hours
 Min Age: 20 years

21.1 Km
Start: 06h00
Cut Off: 3 hours
 Min Age: 16 years

10 Km
Start: 07h00
Cut Off: 2 hours
 Min Age: 14 years

5 Km Fun Run
Start: 07h00
Cut Off: None
 Min Age:9 years


No Prize money


 Medals to all finishers of the 42.2km 21.1km, 10km and 5km races.


Walkers welcome in the 5km, 10km and 21.1km races.
No refunds on entry fees paid.



Entries to the races can be done via the following means:

  1. Online:

Race Number Collection for Pre Entries:

Saturday 1 October 2022 - At race venue from 4:00am

Please Note: There will be no collections or entries taken at the race venue the day before the event.


42.2 Km
 R 350.00

 R 150.00

21.1 Km
 R 250.00

 R 50.00

- Temporary Licences = R 70.00.
 - No refunds on fees paid.


The 42.2km & 21.1km 10km and 5km Fun Run are PRE-ENTRY ONLY events and none of these entries will be sold the morning of the race.

Entries are limited to:
- 42.2km-200
- 21.1km-300
- 10km-150
 - 5km Fun Run-unlimited

Clarens SANPark Golden Gate Marathon Rules

  1. The race is run in accordance with the rules of the ASA ,AFS WA & national COVID-19 regulations. Registered athletes must be members of a club affiliated to ASA, wear official club colors and wear two 2019 license numbers on front and back of vest.  Numbers may not be altered.
  2. Race tags for the 42.2km, 21.1km, 10km and 5k must be displayed at all times.  Runners found on route without official numbers or tags will be removed from route.
  3. Non registered athletes running the 10km, 21.1km & 42.2km races must purchase temporary licenses.
  4. The race committee reserves the right to accept or reject any entry.
  5. Proof of age to be produced on request (birth certificate or ID document).
  7. NO SECONDING will be permitted on any part of the race route.  No vehicle or bicycle will be allowed to follow runners on the route.  Any runner who is seconded or followed is liable for disqualification.
  8. NO advertising of any form may be worn by competitors unless sanctioned by the official sponsors.
  9. Failure to obey rules, referees, traffic marshals or any race official could result in disqualification.
  10. There will be no officials, traffic officers, marshals or refreshment station workers in attendance on the route after 12h00.
  11. Distance boards will be placed at each kilometer.
  12. All athletes compete at their own risk.  Athletes indemnify National, Provincial and Regional bodies, sponsors and organizers of the race against all or any actions whatsoever nature whatever that may arise due to participation in any event.
  13. License number may only be worn on running top and not on shorts, and must be clearly displayed. The race tag must not cover the ASA license sponsor's logo/s.
  14. The 42.2km, 21.1km & 10km races are manually timed and is not a qualifier of any sort.
  15. This is a run clean / litter free event and being caught littering outside the water point zones could lead to disqualification.
  16. Foreign athletes must fore seen a certificate from the federation country, approved via ASA and hand in before entering the race

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Images of the event
Going4Gold Athletic Events

Classes and pricing
Available classes for the event

Class Distance Start Time Price (pp)
Marathon - 42.2km SOLD OUT 42.2 km Road 06:00 R 350.00
Half Marathon - 21.1km 21.1 km 06:00 R 250.00
10km 10 km 07:00 R 150.00
Fun Run 4km 4 km 07:00 R 50.00

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Event location
Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Golden Gate Highlands National Park

Coordinates -28.516667, 28.616667
Address Glen Reenen, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa
City Golden Gate Highlands National Park
Province Free State

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