How far will you go to end GBV
Wed 25 Nov - Thu 10 Dec 2020 @ ,

How far will you go to end GBV
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How far will you go to end GBV might be your next adventure Event has been Closed


Child Welfare Nelspruit is a NPO that provides Social services for Children in Mbombela. The organization deals with cases of abuse, abandonment and adoption of children. 

When: 25 November 2020 - 10 December 2020

Where: Run/Ride anywhere 

4   KmR 50
16 KmR 100
4   Km
R 50
16 Km
R 100

T-Shirts/Tank Tops will be available for purchase:

Option 1: T-Shirt R200 (Collection point at the Child Welfare offices in Nelspruit)

Option 2: T-Shirt R200 + R100 (Delivery from Courier Guy countrywide)

How it works?

-Choose your distance

-Submit your results via STRAVA:

Entry Ninja has created a more convenient way to submit your results using Strava, this can be done by following the simple instructions below.

To submit Strava activities to virtual events for results, you need to link your Strava account to your Entry Ninja account. via the following link

Choose an activity to submit as your result for this event.

Your activity must

- be visible to "Everyone" on Strava in the activity's settings.

- be a cycling/running activity. (Depending on the type)

- occur between the event dates reflected online.

- have a distance greater than the option you entered for.*

* Your average speed from your activity will be used to calculate a time for a distance of option you chose.


Once you have completed the eligible activity you will be able to go back to this link and

click on the detail

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Images of the event

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Classes and pricing
Available classes for the event

Class Distance Price (pp)
4 Km Run 4 km R 50.00
16 Km Run 16 km R 100.00
4 Km Ride 4 km R 50.00
16 Km Ride 16 km R 100.00

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Event location
Live at the Big Red Barn OR Virtually,

Coordinates 0, 0
Address Any venue, Any town, Any country

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